Sunday, December 13, 2009

President Monroe's "Other" China

This townhouse at 2017 I Street, NW in Washington, DC had some truly impressive occupants. Secretary of State James Monroe and his wife were residents here before the British invasion in 1814. They furnished the house with furniture and other items acquired when Monroe served as America's minister to France. With their entertaining style heavily influenced by what had experienced in France, all of Washington was impressed with their taste and hospitality.

When Monroe was inaugurated as President in the Spring of 1817, The Executive Mansion had not yet been fully restored form the damage inflicted by the British during the War of 1812. He and First Lady Elizabeth Monroe continued to live at 2017 I St. until the Fall of 1817.

Among the furnishings used in their townhouse home were two sets of china. The amaranth (red) bordered Monroe china is well known. However, there was also a Monroe monogrammed china (shown below) that was also used. These china sets, along with their other beautiful furnishings were moved to The Executive Mansion on Pennsylvania Avenue in September when the President and Mrs. Monroe took up residency.

These are photos of our reproductions, but these are identical to the ones owned by the Monroes. I love the eagle in the center of the large plate above. It is only on the large 12 inch plate and the 9 inch rim soup/individual pasta bowl.
The Monroe Monogram design is one of my favorites that remains "undiscovered" by most.
Here's a link to our entire collection:

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