Ever wondered what it might be like to go to a state dinner at The White House and what you might be eating? Here's a great article from Gherkins & Tomatoes: http://gherkinstomatoes.com/2009/01/06/all-the-presindets-tables-george-w-bushs-first-inaugural-luncheon-2001/
The place setting shown is one for French President Sarkozy at a state dinner in 2007 and was taken by White House photographer Shealah Craighead.
To learn more about the china that our first president used....you might want to check this out:
http://www.woodmerechina.com/amtreasures_items.cfm?item=29 Woodmere's American Treasures Collection has a beautiful reproduction of President George Washington's state china and it's history.
"Gherkins & Tomatoes" is a great website that revels in the lusciousness of food and culinary history. Cookbooks old and rare and new, recipes antique and modern, trends, morsels, tidbits … . History in the eating ... and the making. Check it out: http://www.gherkinstomatoes.com/
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