Seems as though some people don't think we should show statues of some of the world leaders at the time that President Nixon was president and exchanged views with. While we can understand the views of those who strongly reject the political thinking and actions of these communist leaders, its hard to understand we should ignore that they existed during Nixon's presidency, especially when you consider President Nixon's diplomatic handling of those relationships. Here's a link to an Los Angeles Times article describing the situation:http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-nixon-mao-protest1-2009oct01,0,6352524.story
Over the years, the Nixon Library has done a great job at exhibiting White House China and normally has a number of pieces on hand, along with many of the various diplomatic gifts that the President and Mrs. Nixon received. We love working with all the Presidential libraries and, certainly the Nixon Library is one of our favorites!
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